Monday, July 7, 2008


Paid surveys paid surveys paid surveys... What to say? Well three weeks ago when I was first gettin' geared up to launch Rebel Yell I signed up for several survey sites. And a few thousand keystrokes later I'm signed up and ready to go. As bad as my fingers and eyes hurt after signing up for all of those sites I now have one thought and one thought only... You know what doesn't hurt? Getting paid. In fact I looked it up and I'm pretty sure that no one in the history of time has ever gotten hurt from getting paid. I say all of this because today I got a check in the mail. From who you ask? From these guys: American Consumer Opinion Panel. Their website doesn't offer much as far as looking at account balances or anything. They just send you and email with a survey in it and bingo you get a check mailed to you. Mine was for $15 so maybe a few more from the gazillion other sites I signed up for and I'll, I mean we'll, be on my, I mean our, way. Later Gators.

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